About Bolingbroke Academy Parents Association
Bolingbroke PA connects the community of parents, carers and supporters. We organise fun events such as quiz nights, sports events, parenting talks, Eid celebrations and the ever-popular Spring Fair. We run a second-hand uniform shop, a local Business Directory, we provide volunteers to help with school events and the funds we raise advance pupils’ education.
Take a look at some of the things we’ve done recently on our Gallery page.
Bolingbroke PA is a registered charity. You can read more about what this means on this page. You can see our annual report and accounts here.
Constraints on state funding mean it is more important than ever to support our school and we thank everyone who donates time, skills, resources or funds.
We are enthusiastic advocates for Bolingbroke Academy. We love to meet new or prospective parents and help you find your way to the right information or person. Please get in touch for a chat.
We understand our responsibilities to our community and have published safeguarding, social media and data privacy policies on this page.
The PA are focused on fundraising and community-building. You can find out about school governance here.
We celebrate the diversity of our school community. We are conscious that our committee and volunteers are often not representative of this diversity and would love to hear from under-represented groups. Just drop us a line to find out more about how to help.
Our email address is: hello@bolingbrokepa.org

Bolingbroke was founded as a neighbourhood school by local parents to be at the heart of our local community.
PA fundraising provides additional equipment and facilities at school and enables increased access to activities such as clubs, trips and DofE. Our Community Directory provides information and contact details for local organisations providing activities and support for young people and their families. Click the button to find out more.
We love the diversity of our school, so we’re conscious that PA volunteers don’t always represent the whole school community. We’d like to connect better with under-represented groups, so please get in touch if you have ideas on how we can achieve this.
Keeping in touch with PA activities and events
Read our newsletters and click here to opt in to our WhatsApp and Classlist groups to stay in touch with social and fundraising activities and volunteering opportunities. If you have some time to lend a hand with PA organisation or event management we’d love to hear form you - just contact us.
Read our data privacy policy here.
Scroll down to see a list of committee members and who the Rep is for your year group.
Classlist is the PA’s communications and ticket sales platform. Go to www.classlist.com or download the app from your normal app store.
To sign up, select Ark Bolingbroke Academy as your school; once you’ve been approved by one of the PA team you’ll start receiving PA announcements.
Year Group WhatsApp chats
Reps for each year group or other parents can add you to your Year Group WhatsApp chat groups.
The purpose of the WhatsApp groups is to connect our community in an inclusive and positive way. The school year WhatsApp groups are valued by members for helping each other out, sharing reminders and clarifying communications.
Please read the WhatsApp guidelines before participating.
Bolingbroke Post
This is the official school communications platform with notices sent by email. All parents should be registered for Bolingbroke Post by the school when your child starts.
If you are not receiving Bolingbroke Post communications, please contact school.
Year Group Reps
These brilliant volunteers are your link to the PA Committee and your channel for PA communications, reminders and advice.
Reps for each year are listed below. Find them on Classlist, your year WhatsApp Group or click the button to email the PA and we’ll connect you. You can also email us to get involved as a year group rep or in anything else that the PA does.
2024-5 Reps
Key stage 3
Year 7
Indre Silkiniene
ClotildeYear 8
Hannah Satz
Katie RickardsYear 9
Tamara Rodriguez-Roquett
Juta Pozdniakovaite -
Key stage 4
Year 10
Katie Rickards
Cathy ChanYear 11
Juta Pozdniakovaite -
Key stage 5 (Sixth Form)
Year 12
Claudine BarbourYear 13
Sara Ward

About the PA Committee and how we’re organised
Bolingbroke PA is led by a chair, co-chair and a committee responsible for fundraising, school support and governance. Reps for each year group act as our communicators and co-ordinators through to the parent and carer community. Everyone involved is a volunteer and a parent or carer of children attending Bolingbroke Academy. We’re always on the look out for new helpers and there is a wide range of roles that you can play.
We’re conscious that our committee and volunteers are often not representative of our school community and would love to hear from under-represented groups, especially men and BAME parents and carers.
Tanya Drummond
Naomi Thorley
Caroline Hanson
School Support
Pierre Moret
Sponsors and Partners
Coco Weller
Marina Dempster
Katy Rickards
Hannah Satz
Leanne Campbell
Juta Pozdniakovaite
Caroline McNamara
Governance and Policies
Bolingbroke PA is a registered charity
In June 2019 we registered our charity, The Bolingbroke Trust, with the Charity Commission of England and Wales. Our registered charity number is 1184019. Being a charity brings benefits including access to discounted services and tax advantages such as being able to reclaim Gift Aid. With these benefits come responsibilities to use funds raised responsibly, to be transparent and accountable to donors. The Trustees of the charity ensure that these responsibilities are met. Information about The Bolingbroke Trust including our financial statements is published on the Charity Commission website here.
To comply with charity commission regulations, Bolingbroke PA activities must align with the objective stated in its governing document which is:
To advance the education of pupils at the Bolingbroke Academy in Wandsworth in particular by engaging in activities or assisting in the provision of facilities and equipment (not required to be funded by the local education authority) that will support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
As a registered charity we adhere to Charity Commission regulations and our activities are overseen by our Trustees. A number of our Trustees are also members of the PA organising committee. We publish an annual report and accounts to ensure high standards of transparency and accountability.
The Bolingbroke Trust entry in the Charity Commission register of charities can be viewed here.
Tanya Drummond, Chair
Christelle Bossard, Co-Chair
Naomi Thorley, Treasurer
Victoria Davies, Chair of Trustees
Chloe Talberg, Trustee
Robert Grimsey, Trustee
Safeguarding policy
The Bolingbroke Trust is a charity registered by the Charity Commission of England and Wales. It is entirely volunteer-run and staffed. The Trustees are responsible for the governance of the charity. The Trust carries out its activities under the name of Bolingbroke Parents Association (Bolingbroke PA or the PA). All parents and carers of children attending Bolingbroke Academy are members of the PA (members).
To fulfil our purpose as a charity, we undertake fundraising, community-building and school support activities which involve children and young people (typically school pupils but also their siblings, relatives and friends). The PA Committee or individual members are responsible for running events and activities. The PA Committee are all members of the PA.
These activities may be led and staffed by members including the PA Committee. Activities may take place on school premises and require us to be present in the school in the course of preparing and undertaking these activities. Additionally Bolingbroke PA operates a website and may from time to time publish photographs of children participating in activities or benefitting from donations made by the PA.
This policy has 3 sections:
Activities and events involving children and young people
Health and safety of volunteers
Governance of the policy (including whistleblowing and complaints)
To read the full policy please download it here.
Data privacy policy
The Bolingbroke Trust is a registered charity. Our purpose is to develop and enhance life at school and improve outcomes for pupils and staff of Bolingbroke Academy. We do this by providing volunteer support and raising funds for enriching activities, well-being, financial support, provision and improvement of facilities.
Most of the fundraising and community engagement activities of The Bolingbroke Trust are carried out by the Bolingbroke Parents Association (Bolingbroke PA or the PA).
In order to carry out activities such as fundraising, organising events and sales we may collect data, for instance names, addresses, photos and telephone numbers. We also use carefully selected third party services like JustGiving or Classlist that may also collect data.
We are committed to managing information responsibly in line with best practice for a charity of our size and resources and using it solely for the purposes of The Bolingbroke Trust charity and Bolingbroke PA.
If you would like to find out more about how we use your data, or would like your data removed from our databases please contact our Chair or Secretary or email us at: hello@bolingbrokepa.org.