The Bolingbroke Trust
Data privacy statement
The Bolingbroke Trust is a registered charity whose purpose is to develop and enhance life at school and improve outcomes for pupils and staff of Bolingbroke Academy, by providing volunteer support and raising funds for enriching activities, well-being, financial support, provision and improvement of facilities.
Most of the fundraising and community engagement activities of The Bolingbroke Trust are carried out by the Bolingbroke Parents Association (Bolingbroke PA or the PA).
In order to carry out activities such as fundraising, organising events and sales we may collect data, for instance names, addresses, photos and telephone numbers. We also use carefully selected third party services like JustGiving or Classlist that may also collect data.
We are committed to storing information securely and using it solely for the purposes of The Bolingbroke Trust charity.
If you would like to find out more about how we use your data, or would like your data removed from our databases please contact our Chair or Secretary or email us at: hello@bolingbrokepa.org.
For more information about our charity and how we operate, please see the About Us section.