Join the fun at the Bolingbroke PA Treasure Hunt!
Can you solve the clues, complete the challenges and find the hidden treasure?
Get a team of family and friends together to hunt for the treasure and then reward yourselves with a delicious barbeque supper!
Cryptic clues will guide teams of treasure-hunters around Clapham Common to win fab prizes and unfettered glory! There’ll be some interesting challenges to navigate along the way too…
This fun event is designed for teams made up of families or friends (any number up to max 6 in a team). We hope especially that our new year 7 families and friends will come along. You can take part at your own pace - a gentle stroll or a full-on sprint. There’ll be a little light-hearted competition as teams complete challenges and compete to find the treasure.
Whether you are treasure hunting or not, there is a scrumptious BBQ on offer later at school. Options for meat-eaters and vegetarians alike, salads and delicious desserts. The famed Bolingbroke PA bar will be offering a selection of non-alcoholic and stronger thirst-quenchers too. Book in for a meal or just come along on the day to enjoy a drink at the bar.
The Treasure Hunt game is not supervised, so please ensure your children are appropriately looked after.
Most secondary-age children will be able to compete on their own. There will be no main roads to cross.