Lost Property
The is the Lost Property page where you will find photographs of all Lost Property we are currently holding at school. Unfortunately unnamed items cannot be returned so they are published here for a short period of time before being donated to a good cause.
We usually hold items for a maximum 3 months.
If you can see your items in the photos below or would like to register a lost item please contact us on: Schoolsupport@bolingbrokepa.org
To ensure your children no longer have any lost property, please label everything! If you purchase any labels from STIKINS, the school gets 30% on all Sales when you use the code: 36476 at checkout
Clothes Name Labels. Stick On School Name Labels, Name Tags: Stikins ®
Focus on Shoes 👟👞 Contact us to claim your lost property👢👠
Focus on Shoes 👟👞 Contact us to claim your lost property👢👠